Maura MannCommonly in a workplace setting, the people operating in support staff roles – the administrators, payroll professionals, and individuals who perform the clerical duties that make the business function – are effectively invisible unless something has gone horribly wrong. Their roles and responsibilities often serve as the backbone of the business and have a massive impact on customer service, employee support, and operational excellence.

During the holidays, extending thanks to these often-overlooked employees may be easier than you think! BANKW Staffing has some thoughts on how to express your gratitude for all they do.

Creative Rewards

Everyone thinks of handing out bonuses, gift cards, and small trinkets for the holidays, but why not get creative with your gratitude and rewards? If an employee worked overtime when the business needed a project executed on a deadline, send an appreciative letter to the employee’s supportive family members, perhaps accompanied by a gift card for a nice restaurant, as a way to extend thanks for the loss of time they’ve had with their loved one. Similarly, if there is a helpful employee that has a well-known hobby, like painting or hiking, give a small gift that’s somehow related, like a new set of paintbrushes or a new re-usable water bottle for hikes.

Including a handwritten note will give an added personal touch. The extra time and thought you put in will be more than rewarded as your employees will feel valued and seen on an individual level, instead of just another cog in the machine.

Holiday Parties 

Organizations may choose to thank their employees by hosting a holiday party. Company gatherings stand to build company culture and establish deeper connections between colleagues. Usually, employees will bring their significant other as their plus one, so it’s a great opportunity to socialize across teams and departments. This is a perfect time to honor exceptional employees and let them be recognized by their peers as valuable contributors to the organization’s success.


If you have back-office employees who have consistently exceeded expectations, the gift of time will go a long way. Who wouldn’t want extra vacation time? In the event that your employees commute, offering flextime (shifting work hours to avoid commuter traffic) or giving the employee the opportunity to work from home a once or twice a week are possibilities to consider. If they already have a work from home or hybrid schedule offering for them to take a pre-scheduled day off for some extra rest and relaxation could be an alternative reward.

Team Outing 

Nothing says “thank you” quite like the opportunity to have a fun outing with your team. Consider sending the back office and support staff teams out for a day of pre-planned activities they might all enjoy. Crafting classes, a winery or brewery tour, or even an afternoon at an adult arcade, are just some ideas of activities that might be enjoyed by a diverse group of employees. Opportunities like these not only say “thank you,” but also build team camaraderie and great memories.

Thankful All Year Round 

This time of year, it’s often the thought that counts. You don’t have to make a large or expensive gesture to tell your back-office and support staff employees that you appreciate them. However, if you make a gesture of appreciation one day and then ignore their hard work for the rest of the year, your thanks won’t seem very sincere, no matter how thoughtful or nice the gift is.

Make efforts to help your back-office employees feel appreciated regularly. It doesn’t take much: a sticky note with a grateful message stuck on an employee’s keyboard, bringing in coffee for the office alongside a quick visit to say thank you in person, or a gift of flowers for someone who has had a birthday or anniversary. Small, consistent gestures contribute to making an employee feel appreciated and valued more than the once-a-year reward.

About BANKW Staffing

Through its portfolio companies, KBW Financial Staffing & Recruiting, Alexander Technology Group, The Nagler Group, Sales Search Partners, and KNF&T Staffing Resources, BANKW Staffing, LLC is the leading regional provider of temporary and direct-hire staffing services in the areas of finance, accounting, information technology, office and administration, legal, human resources, and sales.

BANKW Staffing companies have received over 100 awards for rapid growth, business excellence, and workplace quality. Recognition includes Inc. 500, Boston Business Journal’s “Best Places to Work” and Business NH Magazine’s “Business of the Year”.

Learn More – https://stage.bankwstaffing.com

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